dr. Justyna Pożarowska Counsellor General, Public Procurement Office of Poland

Dr. Justyna Pożarowska is a Counsellor General in the Public Procurement Office of Poland where she is performing tasks in the area of international agreements on public procurement, European procurement policy and dealing with the strategic and secondary policies to be performed by the mean of public procurement, including innovation policy. Dr. Justyna Pożarowska is also taking position of a Senior Associate Researcher in the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where during five years of her scientific career she was conducting her research theoretically targeting international institutions, their interactions and resulting institutional complexes and empirically covering international regulations in the area of genetics, innovations and life-patents. In the framework of scientific research and as an observer in the United Nations system she was attending negotiations of new international law addressing access to and benefit-sharing from genetic resources.

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